専 攻 科
Advanced Engineering Course

一般科目・専門基礎共通科目  General Education and Special Basic Subjects


  1. 線形代数、確率・統計、数値解析、現代物理などの専門基礎科目を修得し、高度専門職業人としての基礎能力を養う。
  2. 日本語表現法、総合英語、応用コミュニケーションの語学教育により、国際的に通用するコミュニケーション能力を養い、技術と哲学、環境論、国際関係論などの科目を修得し、地球的視野で技術と社会の共生を追求しグローバルな視点をもつ技術者を育成する。
  3. 技術者総合ゼミ、総合創造実験、総合創造演習などの複合科目では、3専攻の専門分野をコラボレートし、システム創成能力と複眼的な問題解決能力を養う。

 We aim to provide the students with basic scientific knowledge and competence to cope with the advancement of technology. The following three objectives are established:


  1. To improve their ability as engineering specialists by providing study areas such as Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Numerical Analysis and Modern Physics.
  2. To develop the ability to consider the co-existence of society and technology from a global point of view, by providing the lessons of languages like Japanese Expression, Advanced English and Advanced Communication and by having them acquire the subjects like Technology and Philosophy, International Affairs and Environmental Chemistry.
  3. To enhance their ability to design systems and to solve issues from a multilateral viewpoint through the study of cross-discipline subjects like General Seminar for Engineering, Experiment of Total Creative Engineering and Practice of Total Creative Engineering.