学 科 等

電気電子工学科 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

 電気電子工学科では、あらゆる産業の基盤を支える電気、電子、情報通信技術者としての素養を養うために次 の教育目標を掲げる。

  1. 電気磁気学、電気回路の電気系基礎科目や応用数学、応用物理などの工業基礎科目を充実させるとともに、技術者としての強い責任感や倫理観を育成する。
  2. 電気機器、高電圧工学、電気材料、電力工学、電気設計などの電気系分野や電子回路、電子工学、電子制御、 電気電子計測などの電子系分野および通信工学、情報通信、電子計算機、情報工学、情報処理などの情報リ テラシーおよび通信の3分野での幅広い能力を養成し自身で課題の追求や解決できる技術者を育成する。
  3. 創作実習、電気工学実験や卒業研究などの実験実習の体験的学習を重視し、計画、遂行、データ解析、工学的考察および説明能力を育成する。

 Our department aims to develop the ability in the field of the conversion of electric energy essential to all industries, transmitting technology, the design and production of electric appliances, and system engineering. Our objectives are as follows:

  1. To create a solid foundation as electrical engineers who can develop new electric devices through the study of basic subjects like applied mathematics, applied physics and information processing as well as the systematic study of electromagnetics, electric circuits, control engineering and information processing.
  2. To improve practical skills and creativity by introducing such subjects as Creative Development, Computer Programming and Experiments in Electrical Engineering at the earlier stage of the course, and to develop the ability to continue on an independent basis through Graduation Research.
  3. To cultivate the ability to synthesize and design systems through the study of electric and electronic measurement, electronic computer, control engineering and communication technology.

Experiments on the LEGO-robot
Experiments on Fundamental
Electrical Engineering
Experiments on Solar Generation

Exercise on Computer Programing
Studies on Functionable Thin Films