専 攻 科
Advanced Engineering Course

専攻科 Advanced Engineering Course


  1. 自己の専門分野(機械工学・電気電子工学・物質工学)について、より深い専門性を養う。
  2. 他の専門技術分野に関する基礎知識と最新の知識も身につけ、複合化、高度化した工学分野について複眼的な課題探求能力と問題解決能力を養成する。
  3. 地球的な視野での倫理観と豊かな創造性、実践力を養成する。
  4. 国際水準の技術者を目指す。(JABEE認定,2005年5月)

The progress of science and technology has been so remarkable in recent years that engineers equipped with the inventive, innovative and advanced skills are greatly in need.In order to meet a growing need for highly competent engineers, the Advanced Engineering Courses program was established in 1997.
There are three Advanced Engineering Courses. Each course provides future engineers with an additional two years of even more advanced education, which follows a five-year practical course at a national college of technology.
The major objectives of the program are:1)to offer students two years of higher level learning to help deepen knowledge in their specialized fields;2)to develop the ability to cope with today's technical innovations by cultivating their creative resources;3)to provide students with ethics in global perspectives and to foster their creativity and practical ability and 4)to develop engineers who can work internationally.
(received accreditation by JABEE in May, 2005)