Our Philosophy

教育理念 Our Philosophy

  準学士課程(本科)5年間に亘る一貫教育を通して、ものづくりの基盤を 支える技術者に要求される基礎学力と高い専門知識を身につけ、創造性と 実践力に富み、豊かな教養と人間性、国際性を備え、社会に貢献できる 人材を育成する。
  さらに専攻科では、他分野の専門的基礎をも学ぶ融合型教育を加えて、 7年間に亘る一貫教育を行い、複眼的視野をもつ人材の育成を目指す。

教育目標 Our Goals
  1. 1)ものづくりや 創造する喜びと学ぶ楽しさを早期に知ることを通して、明確な職業意識、学習意欲を養成する。
  2. 2)高度科学技術を中核となって推進するための 基礎知識と基礎技能、専門知識を身につけ、自ら課題を探究し、解決できる能力を養成する。
  3. 3)実験実習など体験学習を重視して 豊かな創造性と実践力を養成する。
  4. 4)論理的な思考力、 コミュニケーション能力、プレゼンテーション能力を養成する。
  5. 5)情報技術の進展に対応できるよう、 全学科において情報リテラシーの向上をはかる。
  6. 6)豊かな教養と倫理観を身につけ、 地球的な視野で人類の幸福のために貢献できる能力を養成する。
アドミッションポリシー Admission Policies
  1. (1)自然現象に対して好奇心が強い人
  2. (2)夢をもち、それに向かって努力できる人
  3. (3)ものづくりが好きな人
  4. (4)技術者として人類の幸福のために貢献したい人
  5. (5)技術者として国際的に活躍したい人
  1. (1)科学または工学の基礎を習得している人
  2. (2)希望する学科の教育目標を理解している人
  3. (3)コミュニケーション能力の基礎を身につけている人
  4. (4)倫埋観を身につけ、 地域及び国際社会の発展のために技術者として貢献したい人
  1. (1)科学と工学の基礎学力を十分身につけている人
  2. (2)社会性と倫理観を身につける意欲を持っている人
  3. (3)基礎的なコミュニケーション能力を身につけている人
  4. (4)複眼的かつ実践的能力を身につける意欲がある人
  5. (5)地域及び国際社会の発展のため、 技術者として自主的に行動する意欲を持つ人
教育の特色 Accomplishments
  本校では、受験競争から解放されたのびやかな雰囲気の中で、 入学当初から専門分野への導入教育を行う一方、専門に偏らない 広い知識と豊かな教養を身につけることに配慮したカリキュラムを 実施しています。また、実験実習やクラブ活動を重視し、実践的な 技術者・行動的な職業人の育成を目指しています。 卒業生への求人は多く、高専卒業後直ちに就職する者は約55%であり、 専攻科への進学、大学3年生への編入学のコースを選ぶ者は約45%です。

Our Philosophy
  Our college strives to provide students with the solid foundation and deeply professional knowledge required for highly competent engineers. Through our five-year associate degree programs, the students are expected to attain global perspective and enhance their sense of humanity as well. In addition, in the advanced engineering course, students are offered integrated programs in which they acquire advanced knowledge in other fields so that they may develop into engineers with multilateral approaches.

Our Goals
 We aim to:
  1. 1) develop concrete employment opportunity awareness and motivation for learning through having them experience, at an early stage, the pleasure and accomplishment of creation;
  2. 2) have students acquire the basic professional knowledge and skills by which they will be able to play a central role for promoting high technology, and to cultivate their ability to search out their own tasks and solutions;
  3. 3) enhance creativity and practical skills by putting an emphasis on laboratory and practical tasks;
  4. 4) cultivate logical ways of thinking,communicative competence and the ability to make a presentation;
  5. 5) raise IT literacy in order to cope with the advancement of information technology;
  6. 6) enrich students personally and ethically so that they will be able to contribute to the well-being of all and enhance global standards.

Admission Policies
Sasebo National College of Technology desires people with the following characteristics to enter the college:

  1. (1) Those who have a curiosity about natural phenomenon
  2. (2) Those who have dreams and do their best to make them come true
  3. (3) Those who have an interest in manufacturing processes
  4. (4) Those who want to contribute to the well-being of humanity as engineers
  5. (5) Those who plan to play a part as engineers internationally

Transfer Admission Policy:
  1. (1) Those who have acquired basic knowledge of science or technology
  2. (2) Those who understand the goals that each department has set
  3. (3) Those who have acquired basic communication skills
  4. (4) Those who have acquired a sense of morality and ethics,and plan to contribute to the development of the local and international communities as engineers

Advanced Engineering Course Admission Policy:
  1. (1) Those who have acquired thorough knowledge of science and technology
  2. (2) Those who are eager to acquire advanced moral and ethical behavior
  3. (3) Those who have acquired the basics of advanced communication skills
  4. (4) Those who are eager to acquire multifaceted perspectives and practical engineering capabilities
  5. (5) Those who are eager to play an active role as engineers for the development of the local and international communities

  Emphasis at our college is placed on the following two aspects; 1)Throughout the program,students are able to study in a relaxed atmosphere and this can foster self- reliant attitudes; 2)General education,specialized study of technological theories and the experiments and practical laboratory work are systematically arranged and equally valued.Specialized subjects are introduced from the first-year and gradually increase as the curriculum proceeds to a higher grade. The experiments and laboratory work offer the students the practical training required for qualified engineers. The program at our college is expected to encourage students to gradually build up a solid foundation for development as technical engineers with professional knowledge and broad perspectives. Approximately 55% of our graduates gain immediate employment and approximately 45% transfer to a university or proceed to advanced courses.