学   寮
School Dormitories

学寮 School Dormitories

 本校学寮は、自宅通学ができない学生のための 厚生施設というにとどまらず、友情、協調性、規律ある生活習慣などを 養うことを目的とする教育施設である。 このような観点から、昭和44年度より低学年(1年、2年生)全寮制を 実施している。 (事情ある場合は入寮免除)。高学年生及び女子は希望入寮である。
  学寮は教員の指導と寮生会の協力によって運営されている。 学寮定員470名。低学年寮室定員3名。高学年寮室定員1〜2名。

  The dormitories, having separate quarters for males and females, accommodate up to 470 students. Both facilities are monitored by its own Student Dormitory Council and closely supervised by members of the faculty.
Reqarded also as educational facilities, student are able to come together in the secure knowledge that they share similar tastes and ideas that as a springboard for productive activity. Additionally,the students are provided with superior living accommodation and well-balanced meals.
Students except females are required to spend their first two years in a dormitory, however, this requirement may be waived due to extenuating circumstances. When the two year required stay in the dormitory is fulfilled, the students and his or her quardian may opt to find other living accommodation.
Up to three first and second grade students share a room, and up to two third, fourth and fifth grade students share a room.