機械工学科 Department of Mechanical Engineering


  1. 材料力学・機械力学・熱力学・流体力学という4つの力学科目の習得を通して、機械工学系技術者としての基礎能力を養成する。
  2. 機械工作、機械材料、機構、設計などのものづくり技術関連分野に加え、制御工学や電気・電子工学分野などのメカトロニクス技術関連分野の習得により、機械装置・機械システムの設計開発能力を養成する。
  3. ものづくりの基盤となる機械製図や機械工作実習、機械工学実験を通して実践力を育み、卒業研究では自学自習能力の向上とともに、総合的な課題解決能力および技術開発能力を養成する。

 Our department aims at the following objects through the study of core subjects essential to mechanical engineering and the subjects in interrelated fields:

  1. Through the fundamental study of four dynamic subjects such as Strength of Materials, Dynamics of Machinery, Thermodynamics and Fluid Engineering, we develop a solid foundation for mechanical engineers.
  2. In addition to subjects of manufacturing technology such as Manufacturing Technology, Materials for Manufacturing, Kinematics of Machinery, and Design, through the study of subjects such as Control Engineering and Electrical Engineering that are related to mechatronics and design systems, we cultivate the designing ability of the students in the development of mechanical equipment and mechanical systems.
  3. We improve practical skills by implementing such subjects as Machine Design and Drawing, Manufacturing Technology Practice and Experiments in Mechanical Engineering, and we develop the ability to continue on an independent basis through Graduation Research.