電気電子工学科 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  1. 電気回路や電磁気学などの工学系基礎科目の習得を通して、電気電子系技術者としての基礎能力を養成する。
  2. 電気工学、電子工学および情報通信工学の三分野の幅広い技術を教授し、エネルギー・エレクトロニクス・コンピュータ分野で課題を追及・解決できる能力を養成する。
  3. 電気電子情報工学実験や実習などの実践的学習を通して、計画・遂行・データ解析・工学的考察および説明能力を育み、卒業研究においては技術開発能力を養成する。

 Our department aims to develop the ability in the field of the conversion of electric energy essential to all industries, transmitting technology, the design and production of electric appliances, and system engineering. Our objectives are as follows:

  1. Through the study of fundamental subjects for electrical engineering such as Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics, we create a solid foundation for future electrical engineers.
  2. We educate for broad technical skills in the three fundamental fields of Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Information and Communication technology and we develop the ability to pursue tasks and solve problems in the fields of energy, electronics and computers.
  3. Through practical study such as Experiments in Electricity, and Electronic and Computer Engineering, we develop the ability of designing, performing, analyzing data and considering and explaining from an engineering point of view. In Graduation Research, we improve the ability of the students to develop technologies.