電子制御工学科 Department of Control Engineering


  1. 情報通信系、電気電子系、機械制御系の基礎科目の習得を通して、電子情報・制御系技術者としての基礎能力を養成する。
  2. ソフトウェアや電子制御システムの理解を通じて、コンピュータや電子回路技術を応用した自動化システム・ロボットシステム・知能化システムのデザイン能力を養成する。
  3. 情報処理や工学実験などの実験実習を通して実践力を育み、卒業研究では自学自習能力の向上とともに、問題解決能力および技術開発能力を養成する。

 Our department aims to develop a comprehensive knowledge and skills of computer engineering and communication system engineering which are the basis of rapid progress in information technology. Our objectives are as follows:

  1. Through the study of fundamental subjects of electronic information, electrical and electronic engineering, and machine control systems, we create a solid foundation for engineers in the field of electronic information and control engineering.
  2. Through the understanding of software and electronically-controlled systems, we develop ability in designing automation systems, robot systems, and intelligent information systems that apply to computer and electronic circuit technologies.
  3. Through the practical study of information processing and electronic experiments, we cultivate practical abilities. In Graduation Research, we develop the ability to solve problems and develop technologies as well as the ability to continue on an independent basis.