教育理念 Our Philosophy


Our Philosophy
  Our college strives to provide students with the solid foundation and deeply professional knowledge required for highly competent engineers. Through our five-year associate degree programs, the students are expected to attain global perspective and enhance their sense of humanity as well. In addition, in the advanced engineering course, students are offered integrated programs in which they acquire advanced knowledge in other fields so that they may develop into engineers with multilateral approaches.

教育目的 Our Objectives
  1. 1) ものづくりや創造する喜びと学ぶ楽しさを早期に知ることを通して、明確な職業意識、学習意欲を養成する。
  2. 2) 高度科学技術を中核となって推進するための基礎知識と基礎技能、専門知識を身につけ、自ら課題を探究し、解決できる能力を養成する。
  3. 3) 実験実習など体験学習を重視して豊かな創造性と実践力を養成する。
  4. 4) 論理的な思考力、コミュニケーション能力、プレゼンテーション能力を養成する。
  5. 5) 情報技術の進展に対応できるよう、全学科において情報リテラシーを養う。
  6. 6) 豊かな教養と倫理観を身につけ、地球的な視野で人類の幸福のために貢献できる能力を養成する。
Our Objectives
 We aim to:
  1. 1) develop concrete employment opportunity awareness and motivation for learning through having them experience, at an early stage, the pleasure and accomplishment of creation;
  2. 2) have students acquire the basic professional knowledge and skills by which they will be able to play a central role for promoting high technology, and to cultivate their ability to search out their own tasks and solutions;
  3. 3) enhance creativity and practical skills by putting an emphasis on laboratory and practical tasks;
  4. 4) cultivate logical ways of thinking, communicative competence and the ability to make a presentation;
  5. 5) nurture IT literacy in order to cope with the advancement of information technology;
  6. 6) enrich students personally and ethically so that they will be able to contribute to the well-being of all and enhance global standards.

アドミッションポリシー Admission Policies

Admission Policy for the Programs of Associate Bachelor’s Degree
(Eligibility for Admission/Admission Outline)

  1. 機械工学科では、次のような人材を求めます。また、4年次編入学の場合は以下に準じます。
  2. ・自然現象に対して好奇心が強く、ものづくりの好きな人
  3. ・機械に興味をもち、機械に関する専門知識と技術を習得したい人
  4. ・基礎学力を有し、それらを活用して論理的に思考し、表現できる人
  5. ・技術者として人類の幸福に貢献したり国際的に活躍したい人
     ■Department of Mechanical Engineering
  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering seeks the following types of students (the following are applied to the students who want to be enrolled as transfer students into the fourth grade at our college):
  2. ・Students who are very curious about natural phenomenon and care about manufacturing;
  3. ・Students who are interested in manufacturing and who want to acquire professional knowledge and skills concerning manufacturing;
  4. ・Students who have basic academic skills and who can think logically and express themselves, based on their basic academic skills; and
  5. ・Students who want to contribute to the welfare of humankind and to be active globally as engineers.
  1. 電気電子工学科では、次のような人材を求めます。また、4年次編入学の場合は以下に準じます。
  2. ・自然現象に対して好奇心が強く、ものづくりの好きな人
  3. ・電気電子工学に興味をもち、電気電子工学に関する専門知識と技術を習得したい人
  4. ・基礎学力を有し、それらを活用して論理的に思考し、表現できる人
  5. ・技術者として人類の幸福に貢献したり国際的に活躍したい人
     ■Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  1. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering seeks the following types of students (the following are applied to the students who want to be enrolled as transfer students into the fourth grade at our college):
  2. ・Students who are very curious about natural phenomenon and care about manufacturing;
  3. ・Students who are interested in electrical and electronic engineering and who want to acquire professional knowledge and skills concerning electrical and electronic engineering;
  4. ・Students who have basic academic skills and who can think logically and express themselves, based on their basic academic skills; and
  5. ・Students who want to contribute to the welfare of humankind and to be active globally as engineers.
  1. 電子制御工学科では、次のような人材を求めます。また、4年次編入学の場合は以下に準じます。
  2. ・自然現象に対して好奇心が強く、ものづくりの好きな人
  3. ・コンピュータやロボットに興味をもち、情報や電子制御システムに関する専門知識と
  4. ・基礎学力を有し、それらを活用して論理的に思考し、表現できる人
  5. ・技術者として人類の幸福に貢献して国際的に活躍したい人
     ■Department of Control Engineering
  1. Department of Control Engineering seeks the following types of students (the following are applied to the students who want to be enrolled as transfer students into the fourth grade at our college):
  2. ・Students who are very curious about natural phenomenon and care for manufacturing;
  3. ・Students who are interested in computers or robots and who want to acquire professional knowledge and skills concerning information technology and electronic control engineering;
  4. ・Students who have basic academic skills and who can think logically and express themselves, based on their basic academic skills; and
  5. ・Students who want to contribute to the welfare of humankind and to be active globally as engineers.
  1. 物質工学科では、次のような人材を求めます。また、4年次編入学の場合は以下に準じます。
  2. ・自然現象に対して好奇心が強く、ものづくりの好きな人
  3. ・化学や生物に興味をもち、物質工学に関する専門知識と技術を習得したい人
  4. ・基礎学力を有し、それらを活用して論理的に思考し、表現できる人
  5. ・物質工学の知識をもって、技術者として人類の幸福に貢献したり国際的に活躍したい人
     ■Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
  1. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering seeks the following types of students (the following are applied to the students who want to be enrolled as transfer students into the fourth grade at our college):
  2. ・Students who are very curious about natural phenomenon and care about manufacturing;
  3. ・Students who are interested in chemistry or biology and who want to acquire professional knowledge and skills concerning chemical and biological engineering;
  4. ・Students who have basic academic skills and who can think logically and express themselves, based on their basic academic skills; and
  5. ・Students who want to contribute to the welfare of humankind and to be active globally based on the acquired knowledge and skills through the program of chemical and biological engineering.


○Admission Criteria (common to all departments)
◇Upon recommendation
 The holistic admissions process is conducted, based on recommendation documents from applicants’ junior high schools, and applicants’ academic performance documents during junior high school and interviews with our faculty members.
◇Upon achievement examinations
 Holistic admissions process is conducted, based on the results of entrance examinations (scholastic achievement tests) and applicants’ academic performance documents during junior high school days. Entrance examinations are given in five subjects: Science, English, Mathematics, Japanese language, and Social Studies.

Admission for Advanced Engineering Course
(Eligibility for Admission/Admission Outline)

  1. 専攻科複合工学専攻では、次のような人材を求めます。
  2.  1)科学と工学の基礎的学力を十分身につけている人
  3.  2)社会性と倫理観を身につける意欲を持っている人
  4.  3)基礎的なコミュニケーション能力を身につけている人
  5.  4)複眼的かつ実践的能力を身につける意欲を持つ人
  6.  5)地域及び国際社会の発展のため、技術者として自主的に行動する意欲を持つ人
     ■Admission for Advanced Engineering Course
       (Eligibility for Admission/Admission Outline)
  1. The Advanced Integrated Engineering Course seeks the following types of students:
  2.  1)Students who have the solid academic basics in the fields of science and engineering;
  3.  2)Students who have the willingness to acquire social skills and a sense of ethics;
  4.  3)Students who have acquired the basic communication skills;
  5.  4)Students who have the willingness to acquire a multiple of perspectives and practical skills;
  6.  5)Students who have the willingness to act independently as engineers in order to contribute to the development of local communities and the global community.


○Admission Criteria
◇Upon recommendation
 The holistic admissions process is conducted, based on recommendation letters from the president of the applicants’ college, academic performance documents and interviews with our faculty members (including oral examination concerning specialized subjects).
◇Upon achievement examinations
 The holistic admissions process is conducted, based on the results of entrance examinations (scholastic achievement tests), TOEIC scores or STEP certificates, applicants’ academic performance documents and interviews with our faculty members (including oral examination concerning specialized subjects).
◇Specific admission for business people
 The holistic admissions process is conducted toward business people, based on the results of entrance examinations (scholastic achievement tests), TOEIC scores or STEP certificates, applicants’ academic performance documents and interviews with our faculty members (including oral examination concerning specialized subjects).

カリキュラム・ポリシー Curriculum Policies

Curriculum Policy for the Programs of Associate Bachelor’s Degree
(Arrangement of Curriculum and Implementation)

  1. ディプロマ・ポリシーにおいて掲げた能力を育成するために、以下の科目群で教育課程を編成する。
  2. 1)【一般科目】のカリキュラム・ポリシーに記載された、理数系の基礎・応用力、豊かな教養と人間性、国際性を育むための共通基礎科目
  3. 2)機械工学の基礎・専門に関する講義科目:機械工作法、材料学、情報工学等の基礎専門科目や材料力学、機械力学、熱工学、流体工学、電気・電子工学、制御工学等の専門科目
  4. 3)技術修得に関する科目:実践的な機械工学実験、機械工作実習、設計製図、ものづくり総合実習、創作実習などの実技科目
  5. 4)課題解決能力育成科目:卒業研究や文献購読、機械工学特別演習、社会人基礎力育成セミナーなど、基礎・専門知識や技術を活用して自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力、自主性や協調性等を総合的に育成するための科目
     ■Department of Mechanical Engineering
  1. In order to acquire the abilities advocated in the Diploma Policies, curriculum is arranged and implemented based on the following subjects.
  2. 1)basic subjects in General Education (common to all departments): subjects which cultivate basic and applied skills and knowledge in the field of natural science and subjects which provide a well-rounded education and develop humanities and a sense of internationalism.
  3. 2)basic mechanical engineering subjects: subjects such as Manufacturing Technology, Materials, and Information Technology; specialized mechanical engineering subjects: subjects such as Strength of Materials, Dynamics of Machinery, Thermodynamics, Fluid Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Control Engineering.
  4. 3)subjects for acquiring practical skills in mechanical engineering: subjects such as Experiments in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Technology Practice, Machine Design and Drawing Practice, Basic Manufacturing Technology Practice, Creative Development Practice.
  5. 4)subjects for developing the abilities to continue on and solve the tasks on an independent basis by making use of basic and specialized abilities and skills; subjects to promote initiative and cooperative minds: subjects such as Graduation Research, English for Mechanical Engineering, Seminar for Mechanical Engineering and Seminar for Promoting Society Membership.
  1. ディプロマ・ポリシーにおいて掲げた能力を育成するために、以下の科目群で教育課程を編成する。
  2. 1)【一般科目】のカリキュラム・ポリシーに記載された、理数系の基礎・応用力、豊かな教養と人間性、国際性を育むための共通基礎科目
  3. 2) 電気電子工学の基礎・専門に関する講義科目:電気回路や電気磁気学等の基礎専門科目や電気機器、電力工学、情報通信工学等の専門科目
  4. 3)技術修得に関する科目:実践的な電気電子情報工学実験、知識活用型教育、電気電子製図演習、情報工学基礎演習などの実技科目
  5. 4)課題解決能力育成科目:実技科目や卒業研究など、基礎・専門知識や技術を活用して自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力、自主性や協調性等を総合的に育成するための科目
     ■Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  1. In order to acquire the abilities advocated in Diploma Policies, curriculum is arranged and implemented based on the following subjects.
  2. 1)basic subjects in General Education (common to all departments): subjects which cultivate basic and applied skills and knowledge in the field of natural science and subjects which provide a well-rounded education and develop humanity and a sense of internationalism.
  3. 2)basic engineering subjects in electrical and electronic engineering: subjects such as Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics; specialized subjects in electrical and electronic engineering: subjects such as Electric and Electronic Equipment, Electric Power Engineering and Information and Communication Technology.
  4. 3)subjects for acquiring practical skills in electrical and electronic engineering: subjects such as Experiments in Electricity, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Manufacturing Technology Practice, Creative Development Practice, Drawing in Electric and Electronic Engineering, and Fundamental Tutorial in Information Engineering.
  5. 4)subjects for developing the abilities to continue on and solve tasks on an independent basis by making use of the basic and specialized abilities and skills; subjects to promote initiative and cooperative minds: subjects such as Graduation Research and subjects concerning practice.
  1. ディプロマ・ポリシーにおいて掲げた能力を育成するために、以下の科目群で教育課程を編成する。
  2. 1)【一般科目】のカリキュラム・ポリシーに記載された、理数系の基礎・応用力、豊かな教養と人間性、国際性を育むための共通基礎科目
  3. 2)情報通信系、電気電子系、機械制御系の基礎・専門に関する講義科目:電気工学、電気・電子回路、ソフトウェア科学等の基礎専門科目や通信工学、制御工学、ロボット工学、画像工学等の専門科目
  4. 3)技術修得に関する科目:実践的な情報・電気工学実験、情報処理、工作実習、製図などの実技科目
  5. 4)課題解決能力育成科目:実技科目や卒業研究など、基礎・専門知識や技術を活用して自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力、自主性や協調性等を総合的に育成するための科目
     ■Department of Control Engineering
  1. In order to acquire the abilities advocated in Diploma Policies, curriculum is arranged and implemented based on the following subjects.
  2. 1)basic subjects in General Education (common to all departments): subjects which cultivate basic and applied skills and knowledge in the field of natural science and subjects which provide a well-rounded education and develop humanity and a sense of internationalism.
  3. 2)basic engineering subjects in information and communication technology, electric and electronic engineering and machine control engineering: subjects such as Electric Engineering, Electric Circuits, Electronic Circuits and Software Science; specialized
    subjects in information and communication technology, electric and electronic engineering and machine control engineering: subjects such as Communication Engineering, Control Engineering and Robot Engineering.
  4. 3)subjects for acquiring practical skills in control engineering: subjects such as Electronic Experiments, Information Processing and Electrical Engineering Drawing.
  5. 4)subjects for developing the abilities to continue on and solve the tasks on an independent basis by making use of basic and specialized abilities and skills; subjects to promote initiative and cooperative minds: subjects such as Graduation Research and subjects concerning practice.
  1. ディプロマ・ポリシーにおいて掲げた能力を育成するために、以下の科目群で教育課程を編成する。
  2. 1)【一般科目】のカリキュラム・ポリシーに記載された、理数系の基礎・応用力、豊かな教養と人間性、国際性を育むための共通基礎科目
  3. 2)物質工学の基礎・専門に関する講義科目:分析化学、有機化学や無機化学および生物化学等の基礎専門科目や機器分析、有機・無機材料学や応用微生物学等の専門科目
  4. 3)技術習得に関する科目:実践的な物質化学実験(分析化学実験、微生物学実験、有機・無機化学実験、物理化学実験、化学工学実験、化学機器実験)、材料化学実験、生物化学実験などの実技科目
  5. 4)課題解決能力育成科目:実技科目や卒業研究など、基礎・専門知識や技術を活用して自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力、自主性や協調性、等を総合的に育成するための科目
     ■Department of Control Engineering
  1. In order to acquire the abilities advocated in Diploma Policies, curriculum is arranged and implemented based on the following subjects.
  2. 1)basic subjects in General Education (common to all departments): subjects which cultivate basic and applied skills and knowledge in the field of natural science and subjects which provide a well-rounded education and develop humanities and a sense of internationalism.
  3. 2)basic subjects in chemical and biological engineering: subjects such as Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry; specialized subjects in chemical and biological engineering: subjects such as Instrumental Analysis, Organic Materials, Inorganic Materials and Applied Microbiology.
  4. 3)subjects for acquiring practical skills in chemical and biological engineering: subjects such as Experiments in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Experiments in Chemical and Biological Engineering and Biochemistry Experiments.
  5. 4)subjects for developing the abilities to continue on and solve the tasks on an independent basis by making use of the basic and specialized abilities and skills; subjects to promote initiative and cooperative minds: subjects such as Graduation Research and subjects concerning practice.
  1. 1)心身ともに豊かな人間性と倫理観を養成するために、人文・社会・保健体育系科目を編成する。
  2. 2)確かな理論に裏付けられた実践力と創造性を養成するために、実験・実習の体験的学習を重視した理数系科目を編成する。
  3. 3)国際的に活躍できる技術者としてのコミュニケーション能力の向上を図り人間力を養成するために、国語・英語系科目を編成する。
     ■General Education
  1. 1)In order to complement character both physically and mentally and to foster a sense of ethics, subjects concerning liberal arts, social science and health and PE are provided.
  2. 2)In order to cultivate creativity and practical skills based on theory and practice, subjects concerning science are provided
  3. 3)In order to improve communicative competences to grow into engineers who can work internationally, subjects such as English and Japanese are provided.

 The curriculum arrangement mentioned above is intended to integrate with the study of specialized subjects in order to build up the basic and advanced knowledge of the students.

 Grades are given mainly based on the results of the exams, but, depending on the subjects, the evaluation for assigned papers or projects and laboratory performance are also included.

【基準】                    【Grade】

Curriculum Policy for the Advanced Engineering Course
(Arrangement of Curriculum and Implementation)

  1. ディプロマ・ポリシーにおいて掲げた能力を育成するために、高度科学技術の中核を担う専門職業人としての教養と専門基礎知識を有する技術者の養成を以下の内容で行う。
  2. 1)理数系の基礎・応用力、豊かな教養と人間性、国際性を育むための数学(数理科学)や一般化学などの共通基礎科目および現代物理などの専門基礎科目
  3. 2)地球的視点と技術者倫理に関する科目:日本語表現法、総合英語、応用コミュニケーションの語学教育により、国際的に通用するコミュニケーション能力を養う科目。技術と哲学、環境論、国際関係論など、地球的視野で技術と社会の共生を追求しグローバルな視点をもつ技術者を育成する科目
  4. 3)課題解決能力育成科目:技術者総合ゼミ、総合創造実験、総合創造演習など、4つの系の専門分野をコラボレートし、システム創成能力と複眼的な問題解決能力を養う複合科目。特別研究など、基礎・専門知識や技術を活用して自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力、自主性や協調性等を総合的に育成するための科目
  5. 4)各工学系および産業数理技術者育成プログラムの、基礎・専門に関する知識と技術を習得する専門科目
     ■Advanced Integrated Engineering Course
  1. In order to acquire the abilities advocated in Diploma Policies, curriculum is arranged and implemented based on the following subjects. The subjects are selected for the purpose of developing engineers equipped with inventive, innovative and advanced skills and knowledge.
  2. 1)basic common subjects and basic specialized subjects are offered in order to formulate the basics and applied abilities and to complement character both physically and mentally and to foster a sense of internationalism, such as Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, General Chemistry and Modern Physics.
  3. 2)Also provided are subjects concerning a global point of view and engineering ethics; subjects to improve communicative competences such as Japanese Expression, Advanced English and Advanced Communication; subjects to develop the ability to consider the co-existence of society and technology from a global point of view, such as Industrial Economics and Ethics for Engineers, Environmental Chemistry and International Cooperation.
  4. 3)Also included are subjects for developing the abilities to continue on and solve the tasks on an independent basis: subjects to enhance the ability to design systems and to solve issues from a multilateral viewpoint through the study of cross-discipline subjects such as General Seminar for Engineering, Experiment of Total Creative Engineering and practice of Total Creative Engineering; subjects for developing the abilities to continue on and solve the tasks on an independent basis by making use of the basic and specialized abilities and skills such as Special Research.
  5. 4)Subjects are offered to acquire knowledge in modern mathematics integrating each field of specialized engineering and to foster engineers specializing in industrial math.

 Grades are given mainly based on the results of the exams, but, depending on the subject, the evaluation for assigned papers or projects and laboratory performance are also included.

【基準】                    【Grade】

ディプロマ・ポリシー Diploma Policies

Diploma Policy for Associate Bachelor’s Degree
(Criterion for Completion of Programs/Outline for Awarding Associate Bachelor’s Degree)

  1.  機械工学科は、機械工学系分野の技術者に必要な基礎知識と専門知識、技術の習得に加え、人文社会系の素養も身につけ、自ら学び考え、課題を解決する創造性豊かな実践力のある人材を育成するため、本校に在籍し、以下のような能力を身に付け、所定の単位を修得した学生に対して、卒業を認定する。

  2. <修得する能力>
  3. ・材料力学、機械力学、熱工学、流体工学、機械工作法、メカトロニクス等を活用して、自ら課題を探求し解決できる基礎能力
  4. ・機械工作実習、機械工学実験、社会人基礎力育成セミナー等の実技科目や卒業研究などを通じて養成される創造性と実践力
  5. ・業務遂行に必要な論理的な思考力、情報リテラシー、コミュニケーション能力、プレゼンテーション能力
  6. ・豊かな教養、倫理観、及び地球的な視野を元に人類の幸福のために貢献できる能力
     ■Department of Mechanical Engineering
  1. The criterion for completion of the Mechanical Engineering program is for students to have acquired the following abilities mentioned below and to have completed specified curricular courses and earned a required number of course credits. The criterion is for developing engineers equipped with basic and specialized knowledge and skills necessary for engineers in the field of mechanical engineering, for developing engineers equipped with a discipline in the fields of liberal arts and social science and for developing engineers equipped with the ability to take on tasks independently, with creativity and with practical skills.

  2. <target abilities>
  3. ・basic abilities to pursue tasks and solve them independently, making use of what the students have acquired by studying Strength of Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Engineering and Mechanics and Electronics
  4. ・creativity and practical skills acquired through practical subjects such as Manufacturing Technology Practice, Experiments in Mechanical Engineering and Basic Seminar for Becoming Member of a Society
  5. ・logical thinking necessary for executing work, information literacy, communicative competences and presentation skills
  6. ・a well-rounded education, a sense of ethics and the ability to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity based on a global point of view
  1.  電気電子工学科は、電気・電子系分野の技術者に必要な基礎知識と専門知識、技術の習得に加え、人文社会系の素養も身につけ、自ら学び考え、課題を解決する創造性豊かな実践力のある人材を育成するため、本校に在籍し、以下のような能力を身に付け、所定の単位を修得した学生に対して、卒業を認定する。

  2. <修得する能力>
  3. ・電気回路や電磁気学などの工学系基礎科目の習得を通して得られる、電気工学、電子工学に関する幅広い技術を活用して、自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力
  4. ・電気電子情報工学実験等の実技科目や卒業研究などを通じて養成される創造性と実践力
  5. ・業務遂行に必要な論理的な思考力、情報リテラシー、コミュニケーション能力、プレゼンテーション能力
  6. ・豊かな教養、倫理観、及び地球的な視野を元に人類の幸福のために貢献できる能力
     ■Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  1. The criterion for completion of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering program is for students to have acquired the following abilities mentioned below and to have completed specified curricular courses and earned a required number of course credits. The criterion is for developing engineers equipped with basics and specialized knowledge and skills necessary for engineers in the field of mechanical engineering, for developing engineers equipped with a discipline in the fields of liberal arts and social science and for developing engineers equipped with the ability to take on tasks independently, with creativity and with practical skills.

  2. <target abilities>
  3. ・basic abilities to pursue tasks and solve them independently, making use of wide range of skills through the study of basic subjects in engineering such as Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics
  4. ・creativity and practical skills acquired through practical subjects such as Experiments in Electric, Electronic and Computer Engineering and Graduation Research
  5. ・logical thinking necessary for executing work, information literacy, communicative competences and presentation skills
  6. ・a well-rounded education, a sense of ethics and the ability to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity based on a global point of view
  1.  電子制御工学科は、情報通信系、電気電子系、機械制御系分野の技術者に必要な基礎知識と専門知識、技術の習得に加え、人文社会系の素養も身につけ、自ら学び考え、課題を解決する創造性豊かな実践力のある人材を育成するため、本校に在籍し、以下のような能力を身に付け、所定の単位を修得した学生に対して、卒業を認定する。

  2. <修得する能力>
  3. ・ソフトウェア、コンピュータおよび電子制御技術等を理解し、それらを応用して自動化システム・ロボットシステム・知能化システムをデザインし、自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力
  4. ・情報処理や工学実験などの実験実習の実技科目や卒業研究などを通じて養成される創造性と実践力
  5. ・業務遂行に必要な論理的な思考力、情報リテラシー、コミュニケーション能力、プレゼンテーション能力
  6. ・豊かな教養、倫理観、及び地球的な視野を元に人類の幸福のために貢献できる能力
     ■Department of Control Engineering
  1. The criterion for completion of the Control Engineering program is for students to have acquired the following abilities mentioned below and to have completed specified curricular courses and earned a required number of course credits. The criterion is for developing engineers equipped with basics and specialized knowledge and skills necessary for engineers in the field of mechanical engineering, for developing engineers equipped with a discipline in the fields of liberal arts and social science and for developing engineers equipped with the ability to take on tasks independently, with creativity and with practical skills.

  2. <target abilities>
  3. ・basic abilities to pursue tasks and solve them independently, by understanding software, computers and skills in control engineering and applying the understanding to designing automated robot systems and intelligent engineering
  4. ・creativity and practical skills acquired through practical subjects such as Information Processing and Electronic Experiments and Graduation Research
  5. ・logical thinking necessary for executing work, information literacy, communicative competences and presentation skills
  6. ・a well-rounded education, a sense of ethics and the ability to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity based on a global point of view
  1.  物質工学科は、化学および生物系分野の技術者に必要な基礎知識と専門知識、技術の習得に加え、人文社会系の素養も身につけ、自ら学び考え、課題を解決する創造性豊かな実践力のある人材を育成するため、本校に在籍し、以下のような能力を身に付け、所定の単位を修得した学生に対して、卒業を認定する。

  2. <修得する能力>
  3. ・化学や生物に関する基礎知識や、素材開発やエネルギー・環境問題への対応力あるいは生命工学に関する知識・技能を活用して、自ら課題を探求し解決できる能力
  4. ・物質化学実験等の実技科目や卒業研究などを通じて養成される創造性と実践力
  5. ・業務遂行に必要な論理的な思考力、情報リテラシー、コミュニケーション能力、プレゼンテーション能力
  6. ・豊かな教養、倫理観、及び地球的な視野を元に人類の幸福のために貢献できる能力
     ■Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
  1. The criterion for completion of the Chemical and Biological Engineering program is for students to have acquired the following abilities mentioned below and to have completed specified curricular courses and earned a required number of course credits. The criterion is for developing engineers equipped with basics and specialized knowledge and skills necessary for engineers in the field of mechanical engineering, for developing engineers equipped with a discipline in the fields of liberal arts and social science and for developing engineers equipped with the ability to take on tasks independently, with creativity and with practical skills.

  2. <target abilities>
  3. ・basic abilities to pursue tasks and solve them independently, making use of the basic knowledge and skills of chemistry and biology, the abilities to cope with the development of materials and with energy and environmental issues and the knowledge and skills of biotechnology
  4. ・creativity and practical skills acquired through practical subjects such as Experiments in Chemical and Biological Engineering and Graduation Research
  5. ・logical thinking necessary for executing work, information literacy, communicative competences and presentation skills
  6. ・a well-rounded education, a sense of ethics and the ability to contribute to the wellbeing of humanity based on a global point of view


  1.  複合工学専攻は、グローバル化した社会において、高度化、複合化した工学分野の諸問題を解決して「もの創り」を行うために、各専門分野(機械工学、電気電子工学、情報工学、化学・生物工学)について深い専門性を養いつつ、先進的な他の専門分野の知識と技術も身につける複合的な教育を行うことにより、複眼的な問題解決能力を備えた創造性豊かな、世界に通用する「もの創り技術者」を育成する。このような人材育成を達成するために、本校に在籍し、所定の単位を修得し、かつ、以下のような能力を身につけた学生に対して、修了を認定する。
  2. (A) 工学の基礎と専門
  3.  1) 数学(微分積分学、線形代数、微分方程式、確率・統計など)と自然科学(物理、化学など)の基礎知識を身につけて、工学的諸問題の解決に応用できること。
  4.  2) 情報技術の基礎知識を身につけて、情報収集、実験データの解析・評価のツールとしてコンピュータを活用できること。
  5.  3) 基礎工学の知識を身につけて、複合化した「もの創り」の実務における工学的諸問題の解決に応用できること。
  6.  4) それぞれの専門分野における“もの創り”のための4つの専門科目群(材料・要素、設計・製造、評価・解析、複合系)の知識を身につけて、“もの創り”に応用できること。
  7. (B) 地球的視点と技術者倫理
  8.  1) 他の国の歴史的・文化的背景や国際問題に関する基礎知識を身につけて、グローバルな視点でものごとを考えることができること。
  9.  2) 技術が社会や自然に与える影響・効果を理解して、技術者としての責任を自覚できること。
  10. (C) コミュニケーション能力
  11.  1) 技術的な内容を日本語により文章や口頭で論理的に説明できること。
  12.  2) 相手の質問や意見を聞いて日本語で適切に答えることができること。
  13.  3) 英語による基礎的なコミュニケーションができること。
  14.  4) 基礎的な技術英語の文章を読み書きできること。
  15. (D) 複眼的かつ実践的能力
  16.  1) 自分で具体的な計画や手順を決めて基礎的な実験を実施し、得られた結果を正しく評価・解析して考察し、論理的に説明できること。
  17.  2) いくつかの専門分野の知識や利用可能な情報・技術・手段を駆使するとともに創造性を発揮して、調査・解析をおこない、解決策を組み立てて実行し、課題を解決できること。
  18.  3) 社会の要求する課題を解決するにあたって、その内容を分析して、計画や方策を複眼的にデザインできること。
  19.  4) 実験、実習、研究、インターンシップなどを通して実践的能力を身につけ、技術者が経験する実務上の問題や課題を理解して適切な対応ができること。
  20. (E) 自主・自立と協調性
  21.  1) 社会の要請に迅速に対応し、科学技術の進展を先導するため、自主的・継続的に学習できること。
  22.  2) 要求された課題に対して、自立して、あるいは他の人と協力しながら計画的に作業を進め、期限内に終わらせることができること。
  23.  3) 健全な心身を持ち、学内外の人々と協調して行動できること。
     ■Advanced Integrated Engineering Course
  1. The criterion for completion of the Advanced Engineering Course is for students to have acquired the following abilities mentioned below and to have completed specified curricular courses and earned a required number of course credits. The criterion is for completing the program focusing on interdisciplinary education and researches, covering mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information engineering and chemical and biological engineering, and for completing the program of developing abundant creative abilities by studying the basics of engineering and the knowledge of specialized fields. The criterion is also applied to developing world-class engineers equipped with inventive, innovative and advanced skills greatly in need in this globalized society.
  2. (A) Basics and Specialized Knowledge in Engineering)
  3.  1)to have acquired the basic knowledge in mathematics (Differential and Integral Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory) and natural science (physics and chemistry) and to be able to apply the knowledge to the solution of problems in engineering.
  4.  2)to have acquired the basic knowledge in information technology and to be able to make use of computers as tools for collecting information and analyzing and evaluating experimental data.
  5.  3)to have acquired the knowledge in basic engineering and to be able to apply the knowledge to the solution of problems in executing engineering from a multiple of perspectives.
  6.  4)to have acquired the knowledge in four specialized subject groups for manufacturing (materials & elements, design & manufacturing, evaluation & analysis and interdisciplinary subjects) and to be able to apply the knowledge to manufacturing.
  7. (B) Global viewpoints and engineering ethics
  8.  1)to have acquired the basic knowledge about the historical and cultural background in foreign countries and international affairs and to be able to think about the issues from a global point of view.
  9.  2)to be able to understand the influence and the impact of technology on society and nature and to be aware of the responsibility as engineers.
  10. (C) Communicative competence
  11.  1)to be able to logically explain in written or oral Japanese about technical contents.
  12.  2)to answer properly in Japanese to other people’s questions or opinions.
  13.  3)to be able to communicate in English with basic skills.
  14.  4)to be able to read and write basic technical English.
  15. (D) Multilateral viewpoints and practical skills
  16.  1)to be able to conduct basic experiments by planning the specific procedures and to discuss the results by analyzing and evaluating them and to explain them in a logical way.
  17.  2)to have a good command of integrating the knowledge in several specialized fields with available information, technology and methods and to conduct research and analysis of the matters by exercising creativity, thus planning the solutions and solving the problems.
  18.  3)to be able to analyze the tasks demanded by society and to be able to design plans or methods for them from multilateral viewpoints.
  19.  4)to have acquired the practical skills through experiments, training, research or internship and to understand the problems or the tasks that engineers face and to be able to cope with them properly.
  20. (E) Independence, self-reliance and cooperativeness
  21.  1)to be able to respond to demands from society promptly and to be able to study continuously and on their own in order to lead in the progress of science and technology.
  22.  2)to be able to proceed with tasks in a planned way and cope with the required tasks independently or in cooperation with other people and to be able to finish within a time limit.
    to be healthy physically and mentally and to be able to act in collaboration with people from outside of the college